Solutions without Consultants

I come from a consulting background having spent 15 years with Accenture. The work we did (and they still do) is incredibly valuable. But not all companies can afford Accenture or McKinsey. So when I was asked, what problem did I hope to solve with Invisible Solutions, I revealed that I wanted to help people […]
Beyond the Suggestion Box

I was recently asked, “What’s an example of a problem/question people ask that doesn’t yield the desired results.” My response was the default question associated with most suggestion boxes. Here’s my full response (1 minute 46 seconds)
Problem Reframing

To find better solutions, the key is to stop looking for solutions. Instead, you want to look for better problems/opportunities. Only when you identify the “right” problem can you consider potential solutions. In this 1 minute 42 second video, I explain the power of the reframe.
Left-Brained Innovation

Contrary to popular belief, innovation is not a right-brained creative endeavor. It is a left-brained analytic process. In this 2 minute 36 second video, I provide background on why I believe this to be true. This is discussed further in my upcoming book, Invisible Solutions: 25 Lenses that Reframe and Help Solve Difficult Business Problems. […]
Innovation Minute #29: What’s Your Organization’s Personality?

In the past few videos I discussed the personalities of individuals and what this means to high-performing teams. In today’s episode I discuss the personality of the organization. And no, this is not the average of the personalities of the people. It’s something completely different. And understanding this is critical to the success of your […]
Innovation Minute #28: Play the Cards You Are Dealt

In the last video I shared why diversity, although critical, can actually have a negative impact on the organization if people are not given the tools to appreciate one another. In today’s Innovation Minute, I share the tool I developed: Personality Poker. I explain how it can be used to understand personalities and I provide […]
Innovation Minute #27: Why Diversity Can Kill Innovation

In the last video I shared why diversity is critical to innovation. However, diversity on its own can have a deleterious effect on an organization’s performance. You need one key ingredient to go from dysfunctional to innovative. Learn what it is in this installment of The Innovation Minute. Be sure to watch the previous videos!
Innovation Minute #26: Are You Playing with a Full Deck?

People know they need to play to their strong suit. But did you know that a team should play with a full deck; that is, a complement of people with different personalities/experiences that work seamlessly together? In this Innovation Minute, I start the conversation about organizational culture and collaboration. Be sure to watch the previous […]
Innovation Minute #25: How to Conduct Healthy Experiments

Today we continue the “Test”” part of the FAST Innovation Model (Focus, Ask, Shift, Test). In the last video I discussed why confirmation bias will cause you to run faulty experiments. In this episode I share several techniques for overcoming this issue. Be sure to watch the previous videos! Transcription: Today I’m going to give you […]
Innovation Minute #24: Confirmation Bias

Today we continue the “Test”” part of the FAST Innovation Model (Focus, Ask, Shift, Test). In the last video I mentioned the need to focus on experiments. Unfortunately most experiments lead to ultimate failure due to a psychological tendency we have. Be sure to watch the previous videos! Transcription: Today I am going to talk about […]