Discover the Key to High Performing Innovation Within Your Teams with Personality Poker®

Is Your Organization Playing with a Full Deck?
Since 2005, over 250,000 people in 39 countries have played Personality Poker® to drive innovation and high-performing teams. Isn’t it time you gave it a try?
Personality Poker® is an interactive game that uses specially created playing cards. They look like regular playing cards, with one exception: each card also has a word that describes a particular behavior, such as “creative,” “analytical,” “organized,” and “empathetic.”
There are 52 cards with 52 different words. In Personality Poker, the suits, colors, and numbers all have meaning!
Are you ready to have some serious fun?
I’m excited to do-it-myself.
Show me how to get my Personality Poker® decks and training materials so I can get started quickly!
I’d rather have the expert do it.
Please connect me with Stephen so he can deliver the ultimate in-person or virtual experience.

The Game
- Your preferred innovation personality
- Your innovation blind spots
- The people who you need to complement your hand yet most likely will avoid
- What is missing from your team that is limiting innovation and success
- The culture of your organization and its impact on innovation
- How others perceive you, and why any difference from your own perception can be damaging
An Unbiased Review
Werner Puchert, a design consultant based in Switzerland, offers insightful reviews of various design tools and methods through his video podcast series.
In one episode, he provides a concise 10-minute assessment of Personality Poker and how it can enhance team dynamics and innovation by helping everyone identify and leverage their collective strengths, reducing the uncertainty often associated with innovation.
The Science
Even though Personality Poker® has been played by around the world for two decades, and there was a mountain of anecdotal evidence supporting its value, one question remained: Is Personality Poker® truly valid? Stephen knew he needed an expert on psychological testing. That person was Michael Wiederman, a professor of psychology at Columbia College in South Carolina. With Michael’s help, a series of surveys were created that provided statistical proof. Analysis of the data revealed the multi-dimensionality of individuals and why people cannot and should not be labeled too rigidly. It also showed why the conversations that take place during Personality Poker® are one of the most valuable aspects of the process.