Steve’s Innovation Books
Tools for Your Innovation Journey
Goal-Free Living: How to Have the Life You Want NOW!
As featured in O – The Oprah Magazine and The Wall Street Journal
We are taught from a young age that in order to achieve great success we must set and achieve our goals. However in doing so, we become focused on where we are going rather than enjoying where we are right now. We sacrifice today in the hope that a better future will emerge, only to discover that achievement rarely leads to true joy. Goal-Free Living presents an alternative philosophy – that we can have an extraordinary life now, all without goals and detailed plans. By living for each moment, it’s possible to have a successful life and follow your passions at the same time.
This amazing book shares the personal discovery of consultant Stephen Shapiro, for whom professional success was often achieved – yet personal satisfaction remained elusive. He wanted to escape the treadmill of chasing his goals, and find a way to make his life truly rewarding. So over ninety days, he drove 12,000 miles and interviewed 150 extraordinary people from all walks of life to learn how they lived fulfilling, happy lives.