Steve’s Innovation Books
Tools for Your Innovation Journey

Personality Poker: The Playing Card Tool for Driving High Performance Teamwork and Innovation
Contrary to conventional wisdom, opposites do not attract. As a result, organizations hire and retain people who think alike. Although this is great for efficiency, it destroys innovation.
The key to high-performing innovation teams is to make sure that each individual is “playing to their strong suit” while the organization as a whole is “playing with a full deck.” You need to make sure you have all of the innovation styles fully addressed in your organization.
Currently, the book is not available in print (other than through third-party resellers).
However, you can buy a PDF digital version – along with Personality Poker cards.
Book Reviews
Praise for Personality Poker®
Our Personality Poker event created a buzz that continued well past the event. A month later, I continue to see evidence that the awareness the game fosters really stuck.
Michele EggerChevron, Innovation Operations
Personality Poker is a simple yet extremely effective tool for understanding personality mixes and their impact on driving or blocking innovation.
Andrew BushellFormer Head of Innovation, Novartis Consumer Health
Personality Poker may be a game, but it provides some serious results.
Wouter KoetzierGlobal Innovation Lead, Accenture
Personality Poker is both enlightening and engaging. It’s a great exercise for any organization to inject some excitement while learning how to create functional teams.
Tom MorganGeneral Manager of Innovation & Process Improvement, Voith Industrial Services
Personality Poker is a fun and engaging approach to both personal assessment and understanding team dynamics. This approach helped me recognize how my own problem-solving approach may complement (or clash) with other team members, and gave me useful insights into future team development.
Ben CowlesP&C Business Insurance Service Operations, The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.
I thought I’d seen just about every profiling tool there was. Until now, those I’ve seen all required you to fill out questionnaires that are boring and can lead to biased answers. But Personality Poker got to the desired endpoint more quickly, more engagingly, and with less bias than any of these.
Rob, S. Innovation Champion, R&D Division, A Major Pharmaceutical
The result is a higher probability of stronger teams with a greater utilization of strengths and acceptance of differences than other group style awareness exercises.
Bruce HarnedPresident, MarketFit Associates