FAST Innovation® Consulting Services

Let Stephen Guide You Through Your Innovation Journey

When you need to truly accelerate the way you innovate, you will want to leverage Stephen’s FAST Innovation consulting services.

As you embark upon your innovation journey, you will most likely want both expert and unbiased advice to guide you through the process. But it is more than a process. Clients repeatedly tell us that Stephen can see things that no one else can. Stephen’s vast knowledge can assist you with all the aspects of innovation including these commonly requested needs.

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Explore the Power of Innovation through Three Essential Pillars

We offer a number of packages that can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

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Advisory Package

With the Advisory Package, you get unlimited access to Stephen’s expertise via email and phone. As this is an advisory service, it does not include the creation of any documents or detailed reviews. It is designed to answer specific questions you may have, as they arise.
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Catalyst Package

This includes all services contained within the Advisory Package plus a scheduled 2-hour mentoring call every other week. These calls are designed for regular follow-up and guidance helping Stephen to identify and address issues you might not even be aware of. This on-going and proactive support helps guide you through the process on a continual basis. This is our most popular package.
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Full Support

This option provides the greatest level of support. Steve works closely with your team to develop your innovation strategy and then helps you execute the plan. The typical engagement includes dedicated on-site support, plus all of the resources listed in the Catalyst Package. The traditional consulting model is not employed, instead, the primary role is to orchestrate the work being done and effectively transfer our knowledge and methodology to you so that you can continue the work long after we leave.

Business Consulting With Real Results

Contact Stephen to discover more today!
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