Personality Poker®

Creating a High-Performing Innovation Team

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Innovation Keynote by Steve Shapiro

Contrary to conventional wisdom, opposites do not attract. As a result, in business, we tend to surround ourselves with people who are similar to us. Although this is great for efficiency, this lack of diversity can kill innovation.

How can you increase your innovation potential? Play Personality Poker® with Steve Shapiro! This fast-paced, highly interactive game will help you discover:

  • Your primary innovation personality
  • Your innovation blind spots
  • Why the person you like the least is the person you need the most
  • What is missing from your team that is limiting innovation and success
  • How to create a high-performing innovation team that leverages divergent points of view
This is the most interactive keynote you will ever experience and has been done with audiences of more than 1,000 people in a Vegas casino! Be ready for an incredible way to kick off your conference as it will set the tone for the rest of your event!

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Innovation for Innovators

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Finding Clarity in Chaos

Bring Stephen's Innovation Insights To Your Next Event!

Contact him today for fees and availability.
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