My SUCCESS Magazine Audio Interview

Today’s Monday Morning Movie is actually an audio file… In the October 2012 issue of SUCCESS Magazine, yours truly wrote a four-page article.  (It is the cover article; “Innovate or Die!”) However, unless you subscribe to the magazine, you will not have heard my 22-minute interview with SUCCESS Magazine’s publisher, Darren Hardy. It was on […]

Creativity as Inspiration

Today’s Monday Morning Movie… After attending a session on creativity, I realized that the “old” definitions don’t work for me. Creativity is something much more than “new ideas.” And it is not the same as innovation. As you will see in this video, I believe it is about tapping into your inner wisdom. Transcription coming […]

Every Gambler Can't Win

Today’s Monday Morning Movie… It seems like every gambler has a system that ensures they win more than they lose. Of course this can not be the case. The same is true with innovation. Everyone is convinced they have the next big idea and have all the evidence to support their belief. But most innovations […]

Meander with Purpose

Today’s Monday Morning Movie… Back in 2003 I drove across the country with no plans and no agenda. It turned out to be a life changing experience. After that trip, I wrote Goal-Free Living. In this video I discuss two concepts from the book: “Use a Compass, Not a Map” and “Remain Detached.”

ABC News to Celebrate 700 posts

Today’s Monday Morning Movie marks my 700th blog entry. To celebrate, I decided to share an older video of mine that many may not have seen: my ABC News interview. In this 5 minute video, Tory Johnson asks me about 5 tips from my book, Best Practices Are Stupid: 40 Ways to Out-Innovate the Competition. Here’s […]

Avoid Target Fixation

Today’s Monday Morning Movie… The military knows the dangers of something called “target fixation.” This is where you overly focus on the enemy, and as a result you subconsciously end up crashing right into them. The same thing occurs in business. When we focus on the enemy (the competition) we subconsciously end up replicating what they […]

The Power of Positive Constraints

Today’s Monday Morning Movie… We often think of constraints as being something bad. But actually they can be quite beneficial. They can help us get more done work more efficiently. And surprisingly, they can help us be more creative. You can read the transcription here….

Innovating Masterminds

Today’s Monday Morning Movie… Masterminds are extremely useful for helping get new ideas for your business. But some mastermind models are better than others. Today’s video shares some perspectives on how to create a more useful group interaction by embracing divergent points of view and starting with better questions. Read the transcription of this video

Appreciate Don't Accumulate

Today’s Monday Morning Movie, shot in Las Vegas… It is common for people to want more. We want a bigger house. A nicer car. Cooler furniture. But sometimes the key to living a successful life is to want less; to focus on appreciation rather than accumulation. The fewer things you have, the clearer your mind and […]

Your Third Place

Today’s Monday Morning Movie Although this is hardly a new concept, it is useful to remember that our best work is often not done at home or in the office. We are most creative when we find a neutral place, ideally one that provides new stimuli and new people.