Virtual Innovation Programs

Go Beyond the Presentation to Create Lasting Results

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What if your team could learn more, go deeper, and retain/apply information better – all without physical meetings?

Stephen’s virtual programs allow for a powerful learning experience that provides even more value than you would get from a single live event. Why? Because it is a process designed to deliver outcomes.

We’ve rethought the entire end-to-end process of delivering content. We leverage both real-time and asynchronous delivery. In addition, we have a number of custom built collaborative tools that help increase the learning experience.

What we offer is based on over 10 years of experience delivering virtual programs. It is much more than just replicating the live experience; it’s an innovative approach that questions every step of the process.

A good virtual keynote should be more than an entertaining presentation. It’s an opportunity for people to learn, collaborate, and apply new insights. The presentation is only the beginning.

(please note that all of the studio equipment has been updated since these videos were produced)

Here are 4 steps I typically use for both virtual and in-person experiences.

This is the traditional keynote portion where I share content, stories, ideas, and frameworks. Although this is typically delivered via a live presentation, it can be produced as a pre-recorded video (NOTE: the live event is always a better experience as there are interactive components). Regardless, it needs to be entertaining, and educational. I use sophisticated technologies to create an engaging experience. Here are some clips from a recent live speech (not pre-recorded) that shows the presentation exactly as the audience sees it.

Now that everyone has a shared understanding of my content, it is time to show how the material is used. I like to do hot seats. I use my “25 Lenses” (from my Invisible Solutions book) to solve someone’s problem. I get one person from the audience to share a problem. I then show the lenses on the screen and circle them as I discuss how I would use them. Everyone sees how to use the frameworks, tools, and concepts real-time on a real-world problem. Here is what a hot seat looks like. It is an interactive conversation where we explore the problem-solving process.

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3. Application

Now that everyone has seen the content demonstrated, it is now time for participants to try it out for themselves. Sometimes send people into breakout rooms where everyone uses the 25 lenses to solve (or more accurately, reframe) their own problems. They collaborate and gain new insights. Quite often, this step is done after the live event as a way of continuing the learning. Regardless of when it is done, to make the content stick, we create a custom password protected webpage for your event where we share resources, downloadable PDFs, videos, tools, and other useful information.

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4. Reflection
We bring everyone back to reflect on what worked and where they struggled. We talk about how they can continue to apply the lenses in the future. In some cases we’ll create a competition or a set of actions we want people to take to continue the application and learning. The goal is to keep the content alive long after the event. This reflection is sometimes conducted as a second live session. Optionally, we can create a dedicated email address where attendees can submit questions. Once a week I answer the most commonly submitted questions via video which gets posted to the password protected page.

The Presentation Only Sets the Stage

When you use this approach, the “presentation” only sets the stage. Although it is necessary, it is only the start of the process. People gain their deepest insights with steps 2 – 4.

This approach can be used with any size audience. And it can be done for both in-person and virtual events. Although the approach is slightly different, the general concept is the same.

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If you want to go deeper, there are additional steps that add even more value:
5. Gamification
helps continue the learning beyond the event.
6. Certification

of select employees can help scale the concepts within your organization. To learn more about we can go even deeper into creating a culture of innovation, please visit The Problem-Solving Institute.

This process creates deep learning, incredible engagement, and long-term business results.

Other Virtual Programs

In addition to the program above, you have other ways to engage with Stephen’s content remotely:
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Virtual Personality Poker

Based on the in-person card game, this highly interactive live experience helps your team better understand how they contribute to innovation and how everyone can create a high-performing innovation team. Learn more at