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Innovation Insights
by Stephen Shapiro

Goal-Free Living in Best of O (Oprah) and More

There are 4 books I want to draw your attention to:

1. This weekend I discovered that Goal-Free Living is featured in O’s Guide to Life: The Best of O, the Oprah Magazine.  In fact, the article entitled, “Are Your Goals Holding You Back?” is highlighted on the inside flap of the book. 

2. My story, “Confessions of a Goalaholic,” is featured in the new book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Life Lessons for Loving the Way You Live: 7 Essential Ingredients for Finding Balance and Serenity.

3. We are giving away a bonus gift, our 35 page “Goal-Free Living Discussion Guide,” if you buy just one copy of Guy Finley’s, The Secret of Letting GoIn total, you get 72 bonus items for buying this book.

4. Don’t forget that we now offer our new book, Stephen Shapiro’s Little Book of BIG Innovation Ideas as an eBook for only $9.95.