This past Friday I gave a Goal-Free Living speech in Chicago for a group of meeting planners. At one point, someone in the audience asked for my perspective on Covey’s goal-based time management concepts versus the Goal-Free Living compass-driven approach. As I was once an instructor for Covey’s “Principle Centered Leadership,” I felt quite qualified to comment.
To download this 4.5 minute clip from my speech, right click and “save target as”: goalfreelivingcompass.mp3 (4 Meg)
P.S. The woman who asked the question came up to me afterwards and said that my explanation resonated with her and that it explained why she has struggled with Covey’s approach.
P.P.S. The UPS story is only a joke. It was told to me by an employee there over a dozen years ago when they were my client. Although it is a very old joke, it makes a simple yet powerful point.