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Innovation Insights
by Stephen Shapiro

e37 CNBC Joe De Sena web min

Podcast E37: Interview with Joe De Sena from CNBC’s No Retreat

Want to be a better problem solver? What if the solution is to get in the mud?

In this episode, I interview Joe De Sena. He’s the founder of Spartan and is the host of CNBC’s No Retreat: Business Bootcamp.

This incredibly powerful show puts business people in physically challenging situations as a way of getting them to be more resilient.

In this episode, here are some of the questions we tackle:

  • Why Spartan? He feels that businesspeople need to treat themselves like an Olympian – going for the gold metal.
  • Why the TV Show? A lot of people like the idea of being in business but might not be fully committed.
  • What is the Show? The use of military-style training, tackling obstacles to build resiliency skills.
  • Why Physical Challenges? If you can master being under tremendous physical and mental stress and still push through and keep it together, you’re unbreakable.
  • Why Do Businesses Fail? Most businesses fail because they quit when it gets hard.
  • How is the Show Constructed? Each week, three business issues are identified and then physical challenges are constructed to help them get stronger in dealing with them.
  • Why Does It Work? He uses an analogy on how steel is made: you heat it, pound it, and then drown it. His physical process is about tackling the problems and searing it into their brains.
  • What are the Results? Each week, at the end of the show, the positive impact is shared. For example, one company increased sales 170% in just three months.
  • How Has This Been Applied to Your Business? Joe shares how the pandemic decimated the Spartan business and how his process helped keep the company afloat (this is a very compelling story).
  • What are the Three Top Challenges for Businesses? 1) Communication, 2) Process (having Standard Operating Procedures), and 3) Cash.

And we covered so much more over the course of more than 25 minutes.

We also discovered that we both are Cornellians who lived in Boston and now live in the Orlando area. Small world.

This is an episode you won’t want to miss. Please share it with others who might find it valuable.

And be sure to watch No Retreat: Business Bootcamp 10PM ET/PT Tuesdays on CNBC. Learn more about the show here: