Innovation Insights
by Stephen Shapiro


Soundview Executive Book Summary of PIVOTAL

Soundview Executive Book® Summaries has condensed my over 200-page book into six power-packed pages. And I would like to give you this summary. Here’s the first page…

We all long for stability. This is so when change arises, we know how to react and know we have what is needed to make the best choice. This doesn’t just apply to our personal lives but also to our work lives. In the world of business today, the question of “Should we build upon our successes or look towards a new innovation?” is constantly being asked. There are many horizons to explore, and the decision to explore them or not can either cause major successes or have devastating consequences.

With that in mind, what is the best thing to do? When innovation is what is often demanded, it would seem that forging ahead and creating new products, offers, and more will get you where you want to be. But what happens when pivoting to the new doesn’t work and staying in what some might call a place of stagnation isn’t the best option? In Pivotal: Creating Stability in an Uncertain World, Stephen Shapiro argues that there is a third option: being pivotal. He shares that having a firm foundation is the key to being pivotal because this will allow you to make decisions that will create innovations while knowing that you are confidently rooted in who you are. That confidence will allow you to navigate the world of change without the distractions, fads, and upheaval that plague so many.


  • Understand the importance of having a foundation.

  • Learn the importance of being pivotal.

  • See the impact being pivotal or not can affect your business.

  • Learn to utilize your strengths to help propel you forward.

If you are intrigued and want to read the entire summary, you can download the PDF here.

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