When You Are the Best, You Should be Worried!

Back in 1993, I started speaking. At the time I was a consultant with Accenture (then Andersen Consulting). By the mid 90’s, I was speaking 50 to 100 times a year at company and client events around the world. Invariably, after a speech, people would line up to shower me with accolades and acknowledge my […]
Video: Unexpected Places to Find Your Next Innovation

I was recently invited to speak at the WorldBlu Freedom at Work Conference. I was asked to speak for 20 minutes about the source of breakthroughs. Here is my speech, in its entirety. Enjoy!
Build Irrefutable Differentiation – Video with Scott McKain

Last January, Scott McKain (author of Create Distinction: What to Do When ”Great” Isn’t Good Enough to Grow Your Business) and I decided to put together a webinar to discuss our points of view on differentiation/distinction. It was a huge success. People loved our back and forth unscripted dialogue. Fortunately we recorded the session. Unfortunately, I kept […]
The Innovation Engine Podcast

I was recently interviewed for “The Innovation Engine” podcast. The conversation was easy and a lot of fun. We discussed innovation and breakthrough thinking. During this interview I shared: how neural pathways get hard-wired into our brains stand in the way of breakthrough thinking an anecdote on how crowdsourcing and breakthrough thinking solved a 2 […]
Interview on SiriusXM Business Radio

Yesterday I was on SiriusXM’s Business Radio show “Innovation Navigation.” During the 25 minute interview with Wharton Professor, David Robertson, I discussed my perspectives on how to create a culture of innovation. The show is only available through SiriusXM. If you are really interested in hearing the show and you don’t have a subscription, you can sign up […]
My New Demo Video

For those of you who have not had a chance to see me on stage, now you can see some highlights from several speeches in this 6 minute sizzle reel. Enjoy!
My SUCCESS Magazine Audio Interview
Today’s Monday Morning Movie is actually an audio file… In the October 2012 issue of SUCCESS Magazine, yours truly wrote a four-page article. (It is the cover article; “Innovate or Die!”) However, unless you subscribe to the magazine, you will not have heard my 22-minute interview with SUCCESS Magazine’s publisher, Darren Hardy. It was on […]
Monday Morning Movie: The Hot Tub Principle
Yesterday on my blog, I announced 3 new regular features, including the Monday Morning Movie. Today, my video comes to you from a hot tub in Orlando. I discuss how you get new insights by reducing how hard you think. This video was shot with my 2nd generation iPoad nano. Some videos will be shot […]
Video of My TEDx NASA Speech
For those of you who asked, here is the video of my six minute speech at the TEDx NASA conference. Click the bottom right button on the video player to watch in full screen. Enjoy. Click here to watch the video on YouTube
Listen to My Innovation Interview
Earlier this week, I was on “Riches in Niches” radio with Susan Friedmann. We discussed innovation and business success in today’s economy. The 30 minute interview (split into two parts) covers practical ways to survive this volatile marketplace. You can download the both parts at Innovation Interview Part 1 and Innovation Interview Part 2. (links not […]